Here’s a basic step-by-step guide on how to draw Naruto:

  1. Start with a circle for the head, and add a line going down the center to help you place the facial features.
  2. Add two small circles for the eyes, and a larger circle in the middle for the nose. Draw a curved line underneath the nose for the mouth.
  3. Add two curved lines above the eyes for the eyebrows, and draw in the pupils of the eyes.
  4. Draw Naruto’s signature spiky hair, starting at the top of the head and working your way down. Make the hair messy and uneven to give it a more dynamic look.
  5. Sketch in the headband, which should sit across Naruto’s forehead. Add in the symbol for the Hidden Leaf Village on the front of the headband.
  6. Draw in the collar of Naruto’s jacket, which should be high and stand up around his neck.
  7. Add in the rest of the jacket, making sure to draw in the swirl pattern on the back. Naruto’s jacket should be open at the front, with the sleeves hanging down.
  8. Sketch in the arms and legs, making them long and lean. Add in the gloves and boots, making sure to draw in the straps and buckles.
  9. Finish by adding in any additional details, such as the bandages on Naruto’s arms or the kunai knives in his holster.

Remember to sketch lightly at first, and then gradually build up the details as you go. With practice, you’ll be able to draw Naruto and other anime characters with ease!

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