Making a paper boat is a classic and easy craft that can be done with just a piece of paper. Here are the steps to make a simple paper boat:

  1. Take a rectangular piece of paper, such as an A4 size sheet, and fold it in half lengthwise. Crease the fold, and then unfold the paper.
  2. Fold the top corners of the paper diagonally towards the center crease, so that the edges meet at the center line. This will create a triangle shape at the top of the paper.
  3. Fold the top edge of the paper down along the center crease, so that the triangle flaps are now folded inside the paper. Crease the fold.
  4. Fold the bottom edge of the paper up, along the center crease, so that it meets the top edge. Crease the fold.
  5. Open up the paper along the bottom fold, and then press the sides of the paper inwards to create a diamond shape. Flatten the diamond shape by pressing it down on a table or surface.
  6. Take the bottom corners of the diamond shape and fold them upwards, towards the top of the diamond. This will create two small triangles on the bottom of the paper boat.
  7. Open up the triangles and then fold them down and outwards, away from the center of the paper boat. This will create two small flaps on the bottom of the boat, which will help it float in water.
  8. Turn the paper boat over and gently pull out the sides to create a wide base. Your paper boat is now ready to float!

You can decorate your paper boat by coloring or drawing on it, or by adding stickers or other embellishments. Have fun!

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