An adjective is a type of word that modifies or describes a noun or pronoun by providing more information about its quality, size, color, shape, or other characteristics. In other words, adjectives are words that provide additional details to help identify, quantify, or qualify the noun or pronoun that they modify.
For example, in the sentence “The tall, green tree swayed in the breeze,” the adjectives “tall” and “green” modify the noun “tree” and provide additional information about its size and color.
Adjectives can come before or after the noun they modify, and they can be used in different forms to show degrees of comparison (positive, comparative, and superlative). They can also be modified by adverbs to further specify the quality or degree being described.
Examples of adjectives include “happy,” “bright,” “delicious,” “boring,” “loud,” “big,” “soft,” “expensive,” “curvy,” and “tiny.”